Why Do I want Lucid Dreamer?

There are several reasons to begin the practice of lucid dreaming, and every individual finds their own purpose for incorporating it into their lives. Here are some of benefits we find most people share:

Total Freedom And Fun Experiences

Enjoy any experience you could ever wish for. With practice, dream control turns your subconscious into a vivid mental playground. Meet any person, fly through the stars, fulfill your wildest fantasies. No limits! No consequences! No holding back! You’ll be amazed at what your brain is capable of creating; Detailed imagery, scents, sounds and even tastes. Intense physical sensations are also possible, whether you’re feeling the rush of flying or the pleasure of a sexual experience.

Unlock Your Mind

Lucid dreaming is the gateway to interacting with your subconscious mind. Every being you encounter is an extension of your deepest self. Ask questions and let them show you around. You might gain precious insights into your deepest fears, problems and desires. Some people believe that you connect to a universal consciousness while you dream. While there is (understandably) no physical evidence for this, lucid dreaming lets you explore this realm of possibility.

Dream sharing is another currently unverified phenomenon that some experienced lucid dreamers have claimed to accomplish.  With the Lucid Dreamer Connect, we aim to give people the opportunity to discover this phenomenon for themselves, effectively starting a crowd research project into dream sharing.

Take Creative Leaps

Inside the dreamworld, the unusual is the norm. Anything can happen here! Your brain is a remarkably creative and imaginative machine. While you dream, logic barriers are dissolved, which creates the perfect environment for out-of-the-box thinking and creative revelations. Dream up story ideas, business solutions, new insights and different perspectives. Recent research1 has shown that frequent lucid dreamers solve significantly more insight problems than non-lucid dreamers.

Practice Skills

Studies have shown2 that mental and lucid dream rehearsal of a skill improves your abilities almost as much as physical practice. This can be done with anything from sports to playing an instrument. By controlling your dreams, you can practice any skill you’ve been working on and begin to see real results in the waking world!